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B.R. Ambedkar

Ambedkar Jayanti also known as Bheem Jayanti is an annual festival observed on 14th April to commemorate the memory of Dr. B.R Ambedkar .  Ambedkar Jayanti is mostly celebrated in Maharashtra by dalits because he always fought for the rights of Dalits.  On this day Dr. B.R Ambedkar was born.  This festival is celebrated throughout the globe.  Ambedkar Jayanti cavalcades are carried out by the followers at Chaitya Bhoomi and Deeksha Bhoomi in Mumbai and Nagpur respectively.  It is a prevailing for senior national figures, such as the President, Prime Minister and leaders of major political parties, to pay recognition at the statue of Dr. B.R Ambedkar located at the Parliament of India in New Delhi.  It is celebrated especially by Dalits, Adivasi, labour workers, women and also those who enclasped Bhuddism after his example. In India, large number of people visit local statues honouring Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in procession with a lot of flourishment.  Dr. B.R Ambedkar was one of the first Dalits to get a complete education in India.  He achieved a degree in political science, economics, and law.  He was a great lawyer, writer, historian, and also one of the greatest political leaders. He was born in Madhya Pradesh.  He was a Dalit by birth so he himself had struggled hard from untouchability and injustice in his life.  His journey of education was not pretty much easier than others.  After independence, Dalits were facing a lot  of discrimination.  Dr. B.R Ambedkar fought for them and got them their equal rights.  He also led a march at Mahad, Maharashtra that eventually helped established equal rights for Dalits. Dr. Ambedkar contributed a lot to make in Indian Law and Education.  Dr. Ambedkar also formed a political party also known as “Independent Labour Party”.  When India got its independence, Dr. Ambedkar was the first minister of law and comittee chairman who forms the Indian Constitution.  One of the biggest achievements of Dr. Ambedkar was Bharat Ratna. He won the Bharat Ratna award in the year 1990. Dr. Ambedkar completed his post- graduation from Columbia University and London School of Economics.  He is an inspiration of young lawyers across the world. Dr. Ambedkar was one of the greatest leaders in the history of India. There are many people who are economically backward and cannot afford education in a high-level institute, but just because of Dr. Ambedkar they are even able to get quality education at a lesser fee for the children which will secure the future of India.  He was a great man and will be an inspiration for us.  

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